Clarity Consultants

Portlets & NSQL Training Programme

The course comprises 5 sessions spread over 1 or 2 days, depending on attendees’ prior experience:

  • Session 1: CA PPM data model, creating custom attributes, object-based portlet creation, view modification
  • Session 2: Basic NSQL for lookups and portlets
  • Session 3: Injecting parameters into NSQL and incorporating security/OBS features
  • Session 4: Creating hierarchical and linked portlets
  • Session 5: Other uses of NSQL, portability considerations, multiple data sources, function-based portlets

Use the links below to view sample session programmes and format.

On-site or in-house (Manchester) depending on numbers.

The course requires familiarity with SQL (either Oracle or SQL Server dialects), and with CA PPM navigation.

The course comprises 5 sessions, with breaks, and also longer breaks for lunch. Depending on progress, a 9am start thus implies a finish between 5pm and 6pm and attendees should plan their travel accordingly.

To discuss your requirements or to find out more about our CA PPM Training courses please contact us directly.

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